Reform means to put or change into an improved form or condition; to amend or improve by change
Thank you Wikipedia...This year it has been decided that we should in fact reform our building level tech committee, otherwise known as "The Building Library Media and Technology Committee"
I am rather enthused about coming out of our committee hiatus. (Special thanks to @HixsonPrincipal who understands the value and merit in having this committee in the building and helping to reform it.)
The hope is that this group of people will be able to perform the district expectations, as well as be the leaders in innovative integration of technology into curriculum to enhance and engage our students and their learning process.
The untapped potential that this group offers is exciting to say the least, and I look forward to our first meeting.
One of the first agenda items is choosing the place to engage one another with meaningful conversation and collaboration in the 2.0 world. The options are plentiful: Twitter, Google+, Edmodo, Blogs, Windows Live, Website, the list could quite literally go on and on and on.
First and foremost, before we can begin our work, a formal invitation would be in order.
Stay tuned...