Listen to Anchor audio from Tech on the Side
Are you wondering what's new - or what's best - on Netflix? Flixable is a Netflix search engine that offers a complete, searchable and browsable list of all the movies and TV shows that are currently streaming on Netflix in the U.S.
Listen to Anchor audio from Tech on the Side
Here's a fun fact about me: if you ever catch me staring intently at my phone and tapping at it with reckless abandon, chances are I'm not looking at my email or checking social media; instead, I'm messing around with a photo or video.
The joy of teaching in the 21st century is that there's so much available for teachers and students to use. Sadly, that's also the frightening, crippling thing about it. There's so much out there. And tomorrow, there will be more.
When we get our teacher or administrative certification, it doesn't mean it's time to stop learning. In fact, for most educators it indicates that the learning has just begun. In a school - a teaching and learning organization - having educators who pursue learning is vital.