Tuesday, April 25, 2017

#TechTipTuesday - Google Team Drive

I was recently introduced to Google Team Drive via @AveryHoneyBees and @Cmcgee200 

The concept is brilliant, instead of one person owning the Google Drive files and sharing them, the files own themselves and you grant access to those who need the files.

Ways to think about how you might benefit from this brilliant tool:

  • Create a Grade level Team Drive and relocate you shared files to that folder. IN this way if you ever change to a new grade level as an educator you can simply be added to a new tema drive with all your digital resources at your fingertips. No need to ask for a person to share all their documents with them and vice versa.
  • Department Team Drive - Have shared documents that you all use on a regular basis, add them to a team drive and grant access to all members who need to be able to view make copies and edit the documents. If they ever shift to a new department you can remove their access and grant access to whomever steps into their new role in your department.
  • Admin Teams - Tired of always having to ask that other admin to share a file with you? Just create a single Admin team drive and upload the files. Give access to whomever needs them and revoke access should they ever move up/out/or into a new position. 
  • The possibilities are endless (be sure to share how you are using Team drives in the comments of the blog or tweet me @TheTechSpec
If you are wondering where to create one of these new Google Team Drives look no further than your Goolge Drive.

 If you do not see this feature within your Google Drive reach out to your nearest Technology Support person and ask them to activate it for your school today.

As always, 
Stay tuned and stay connected.

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