Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday Post - Google Hangouts is becoming what?

Google isn't the only way to search online. Here are 7 services you should try instead

CLOSE Google isn't everything. Yes, it's the most powerful search engine ever created. Yes, it processes 40,000 searches per second. And yes, Google is the go-to search engine for the majority of us. Still, Google doesn't know everything, and there are some resources that are actually better than Google at finding certain information.

The Great Google Hangouts Shutdown begins October 2019

Google previously announced that its most popular messaging app, Google Hangouts, would be shutting down. In a post today on the GSuite Updates blog, Google detailed what the Hangouts shutdown will look like, and the company shared some of its plan to transition Hangouts users to "Hangouts Chat," a separate enterprise Slack clone.

Netflix now lets you share directly to your Instagram Story

Get ready to find out a lot more about what your friends are binge-watching on Netflix. The company announced today that the Netflix app for iOS will now let you share the movies and TV shows you're watching directly to Instagram Stories.

Hat Rack Joke

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