Sunday Post - Now with a brand new segment
Looking back and looking forward at going paperless. Loads of research on how to improve your mood, some changes coming to google, a brand new segment and of course an Under Caffeinated Humor comic.
For those of you who have not yet experienced the awesomeness that is Google Classroom, it's time. This tool has much to offer any teacher, in particular since this month I am talking about tools to help reduce paper consumption, it only seems fitting to talk about Google Classroom Assignment options.
The cure for a bad mood might be as easy as going outside. Researchers from the University of Regina recently found that spending just five minutes in nature is long enough to help turn someone's mood around. It recently published its findings in the Journal of Positive Psychology.
Around 32 million children in the US eat cafeteria food every weekday, and most of these students consume over half their daily calories at school. With this in mind, it's clear that school cafeterias are becoming crucial in the fight against childhood obesity.
Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Sites will be getting a new look and feel on the web. While there are no functionality changes, users will notice some visual improvements, including: Interface typography that uses Google's custom-designed and highly-legible typefaces Controls (like buttons, dialogs, and sidebars) that are updated and consistent Iconography that is legible and crisp, with a fresh feel The four products in this update join other G Suite products like Gmail and Calendar in sharing a common design language.
Insightful talks that offer fresh, thoughtful perspectives on Black identity.
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