Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Team Tech Tuesday

Yesterday I met with a team for our first  regularly scheduled technology focused meeting.

This came about after the initiation of Web Wednesday 2.0, a time that I was offering every other Wednesday every month to give teachers an opportunity to work together on their websites. This was an original creation of our district web master, @Webgrrrl, who offered summer sessions every Wednesday to those who signed up.

Web Wednesday quickly morphed into not only working on teacher websites, but anything that had to do with the web 2.0 tools (Edmodo, live, blogging, twitter, etc.) Unfortunately some of our teams were unable to meet with me on Wednesdays due to other regularly scheduled meetings during those days. One team in particular asked if they would be able to setup a time once a month to meet to work on their sites with me, and ask other technical questions.  My only request was that they send me their questions or the content of what they wanted to work on during that time before hand so that I could come best prepared to assist and develop with them.

They sent me their questions and added to the list and modified as time went on until we got to the day, and this Tuesday we met and I answered questions, assured with technical help, and used the time to find out what was working and not working for them in their classes so that I could better the support we give and manage the equipment and services that we offer.

The time was well spent and I was able to get feedback on technology tools they were using in the classroom, talk about possibilities of growth and development of the tools they were using, learn what was working and what was not working and troubleshoot through the problems together to strengthen their integration of technology in their classes. I very much look forward to our next meeting and the possibility of adding more regularly scheduled meetings with teams in regards to technology development in their class rooms.

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